My mission is simple – to replenish the nutrition consultant domain with wholesome, contemporary counseling techniques driven by evidenced-based research. I aim to elevate my community with unparalleled nutrition expertise and services that heal and cultivate optimal bodies and minds. I see each client as an individual and consider your goals and lifestyle when making recommendations. Nutrition is not and will never be one-size-fits-all!

I value more than anything the years of undergraduate, postgraduate, and continuing education that is required to maintain the registered dietitian nutritionist credential. Registered dietitian nutritionists are the leading gold-standard experts for nutrition care and we are sought out by hospitals, medical practices, and the community for the best possible nutrition outcomes led only by evidenced-based research.

With years of experience as a registered dietitian nutritionist I’ve seen how overwhelming it is navigating what’s actually beneficial given the oversaturation of health misinformation in the media. Time after time I see patients who’ve thought they were doing everything to help themselves finally seek expert care from a registered dietitian nutritionist and come to learn they were misled by nutrition misinformation from unlicensed or underqualified personnel. It breaks my heart to see these patients overwhelmed and desperate to reach their goals. However, seeing that distress turn into hope and success while under my care is what inspires and drives me as a clinician!

I aim to make my unparalleled nutrition expertise simple, sustainable, and successful while empowering you to ditch fad diets and find food freedom.

I’m Karly Rae, a registered dietitian nutritionist, and I'm so happy you found me! 

Hey there!

If you have a health or performance related goal or concern that could better be reached or clarified with expert nutrition guidance from a registered dietitian nutritionist you are a candidate for nutrition consultant services. Karly Rae, RDN Nutrition & Dietetics curates individualized plans led by evidence-based-research. Services are for but are not limited to those seeking aid with disease management and prevention, weight management, improving relationships with food, gastrointestinal health, sports performance, pre and postpartum, hormonal health, inflammatory related conditions, intuitive eating, a desire to learn more about nutrition & beyond. Get in touch to see if our services are a match and start cultivating the healthiest version of you!


Our Clients

flexibility to fit your lifestyle

OUT OF STATE? We may still provide services in your region


Nutrition consultant services are provided in person or virtually based on your preferences.


We're Where You Are

Feel better with freedom from food fads

Let go of food fads, social media diet hacks, and the bad influence of unqualified influencers and grab onto the gentle nutrition mindset brought to you by leading experts in the field. Gentle nutrition is highly effective and simplifies adopting positive changes overtime that lead to long-term goal achievement. Quick fixes that lead to cyclic dieting cycles, low self-esteem, and feelings of failure begone! 

uh yesss!

Ready to get started?

5 Things I Would Never Do as a Registered Dietitian

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