Chickpeas provide our bodies with lots of fiber, plant based protein, and carbohydrates making these the perfect salad topper or snack that will help us feel fueled for longer!
1 can low sodium chickpeas/garbanzo beans
1/2 cup Your favorite buffalo or hot sauce
1 tsp Olive Oil
Pro-tip: buy “sodium free” or “low sodium” chickpeas as canned foods tend to have a higher sodium content, do not salt the salad as hot sauce and cheese tend to have higher sodium levels as is and is not needed. Note that “no added salt” means that no additional sodium has been added to the food but the food itself may still be high in sodium. Be sure to rinse the chickpeas to omit gas causing molecules.
Conventional Oven:
Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Drain and rinse garbanzo beans in a colander/strainer. Pat them dry so that they crisp.Place garbanzo beans in an aluminum foil lined 13×9 pan or on an aluminum foiled lined cookie sheet. Coat the beans lightly in 1 tbsp of olive oil. Place beans in over and bake for 15 minutes. Take beans out and coat them in buffalo/hot sauce. Place back in oven and bake for another 15 minutes or until crisp/toasted on outside.
Drain and rinse the garbanzo beans in a colander/strainer. Pat them dry so that they crisp. Toss chickpeas in buffalo or hot sauce. Set air fryer to 350 degrees. Fry for 8 minutes, stop and shake. Fry 5 minutes, stop and shake. Fry 5 minutes, let stand for 2 minutes. If they aren’t crispy on outside fry again for 2-5 minutes.
Need ideas on how ways to eat roasted chickpeas?
As is… they make a great munchies snack.
Wrap them up or put them in a salad! They can be a great meat alternative. See a favorite salad (or wrap) of mine below using buffalo roasted chickpeas:
-Roasted Buffalo Chickpeas
-Baby kale
-Shredded carrots
-Chopped green pepper
-Chopped red onion
-Sliced cherry tomatoes
-Chopped red onion
-Reduced-fat blue cheese crumbles [sub any cheese you want: mozzarella, pepper/cheddar jack, vegan cheese options, etc.]
-Crushed black pepper
-Bolthouse Yogurt Ranch Dressing